Reviews Page

"I really enjoy the variety of the sessions and I must say it has done wonders for me not just physically but also mentally. My fitness has improved dramaticall which has been very helpful in preparation to join the Royal Navy."

"I have been attending this group since it first started. It really has helped my fittness and mental health considerably. My son joined me shortly after I started and is an amazing feeling to train along side my son in the outdoors, Its our quality time together. It suits all ages and really kick starts my Saturday morning. The coaches are amazing and very professional and they adapt it to everybody's ability and make everyone feel welcome."

"This group is well organised and fun. The instructors are knowledgeable, friendly and approachable; I felt welcome straight away. I am always more motivated to exercise if I commit to attending an organised class with an opportunity to meet new people. I love that children from 12 plus are welcome to this group. Health and fitness are so important and starting from a young age is invaluable. This group is an important benefit to our community."

"I have become fitter, stronger, lost weight, and generally feel great. The nutritional advice given to me has helped my family eat healthier and given me the motivation to carry on with the workouts at home.
I really look forward to my Saturday mornings what a great way to start the weekend."

"First heard of the sessions on a shared post on Facebook. Gym fitness isn’t usually for me so was uncertain on whether I would enjoy. After my first session I loved it. They are brilliant instructors and there is a wonderful community feel about the sessions. I have definitely seen an improvement in my fitness levels and it has motivated me to do more exercise and make healthier choices through the week. Since joining I have lost nearly a stone in weight and down a dress size. I am so grateful for all they do for me and everyone and I only hope this will continue for much longer to help others."

"I can't tell you how much I enjoy the sessions and how much they are benefitting me.
The classes benefit me on so many levels: fitness, diet control, social skills...the list goes on.
The coaches, are fantastic leaders, always pushing us to do our best, always giving good advice.
It is a lovely sense of support and community spirit that is much needed these days.
I love coming every Saturday morning to train with the group, it is a fantastic kickstart of the weekend."

“Its great to train outdoors (even in the rain!), with encouraging and motivating instructors for all ages and abilities. Each session is different and equally happily exhausting! We’ve thoroughly enjoyed every Saturday and these fabulous workouts certainly give your body and mind a boost. Long may they continue!”